Ayurvedic Division

Ayurveda is a holistic medical system. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that literally means as the knowledge of life (AYU – life, VEDA – knowledge or science). It is based on ancient Indian texts that utilize natural treatments, herbal medicines, lifestyle and dietary practices to promote healing of body, mind and spirit.. Ayurveda the knowledge of art of healthy living is one of the branches of Vedas. Ayurveda is said to be an Upaveda (part) or subscripture of the Atharva Veda.  Nature’s herbs are comparable to miracles of Ayurvedic science. Herbs form the basis of ayurvedic treatment, and are manually processed is varied ways

 As per Ayurvedic wisdom, all human beings are a part of nature. Human beings and nature are interdependent and a perfect balance between these energies would result into good health. Ayurveda has the prowess to heal ailments, whether chronic or generic, with a mix of natural herbs. It can cure the imbalance of mind, body and soul, created by external factors like, weather, life, work, stress etc. The concept of 'Dosha Dhatu Mala' theory is the basic philosophy of Ayurveda, which deals about 'Tridoshas'.

Dosha :-

The basic concept of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and drug development of every disease in Ayurveda is based on Tridosha theory which includes Vatta (wind) responsible for Mobility, Pitta (fire) responsible for Transformation & Kapha (water) responsible for Stability / Consistency. Ayurvedic principles of treatment are based on natural laws.

These three Doshas inter plays with each other and make our bodies lively. In a body all three will be there. One Dosha alone can't do all.

Doshas are of dual nature, on one side, these are good , deciding all good for the body, on the same of these are hurt repetitively, these Good change into bad. So we can maintain Doshas by following ways:-

  • Eating and living style & Quality should be accordance to our Doshas depending upon the Prakrati (nature of our body) without upsetting these. By selecting best herbs to nourish the body.
  • Through regular detoxification of body.
  • Performing right kind of Yoga, Pranayam.
  • Selection of best Rasyanas for us.

Panch Mahabhuta :-

Five Fundamentals Elements of Ayurveda (Panchmahabhuta) According to Ayurveda everything in life is composed of the Panchmahabhuta–Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), Jal (Water), Agni (Fire) & Prithvi (Earth)

They combine in different ratios to form material world. Every organism living or non-living is said to be composed of Panchmahabhuta. Each element possesses different amounts of Guna (quality). Hence, each of them has unique qualitative nature.

The Panchmahabhuta therefore serve as the basis of all diagnosis & treatment modalities in Ayurveda and has served as a most valuable theory for physicians to detect and treat diseases of the body and mind successfully.

Types of Treatment:-

There are two aspects of treatment in Ayurveda:-

  • Shodhana Chikitsa (Prevention of diseases) - Purification Therapy
  • Shamana Chikitsa (Curing of diseases) - Alleviating Therapy


Shodhana Chikitsa (Prevention of diseases):-

The main aim of Shodhana treatment is to eliminate the internal causative factors of the disease. It is one the most important techniques in Ayurveda and is an internal purification process. Purification can be used to cure diseases and at the same time to promote the healthy state of the body.

Vaman-Elimination of vitiated Kapha dosha mainly through mouth is known as Vaman karm.

Virechan-Elimination of vitiated Pitta through anus is known as Virechan Karma..

Basti- It is a per rectal medication in form of enema for the treatment of neurological disorders

Nasya- The administration of medicated Oil or Swaras etc. through the nostrils is known as Nasyakarm

Raktamokshan- It means vitiated blood letting or removal of vitiated blood.

Shamana Chikitsa (Curing of diseases):-

Shamana is specially done after the Shodhana therapy and in less vitiation. Ayurvedic medicines are used internally and externally to manage the symptoms and cause of the disease through the balancing the equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni and also to increase the Immunity. The restoration of normality is brought about without any elimination. From over 15,000 herbs found in nature, only around 850 are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine today. A lot is still to be discovered.

Since its inception in 1995, GMH not only believes but provides Good Meaningful Health to all human beings. GMH is manufacturing medicines for more than 70 reputed Pharma giants & having presence in around 50 countries worldwide. After 2 decades of successful track record in Pharmaceutical manufacturing & marketing, GMH is now venturing in HERBALS. Initially we are coming with strong range around 100 products

 Our each product combines the best of Ayurveda with years of dedicated research. Batch to batch performance and complete purity and safety are assured through the application of advanced pharmaceutical technology at every stage of manufacture..

We ensure that you will be pleased while using our products.